Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring has sprung!

When the Crocuses pop up out of the ground you know it's springtime on the Prairies.  :)
Every year I try to find new ways to photograph Crocuses,
...because they are so low to the ground it is a bit of a challenge to
take a creative & unique shot of them.
I set these little cuties on a pile of snow that hasn't melted yet.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ferruginous Hawk

Cruising low over the bald prairie or circling high above the badlands, the Ferruginous Hawk lives around Alberta's southeast corner. They are huge in size and have a rich color to them. Which makes them a favourite among bird watchers.

Spring Flowers

I can feel spring is in the air !!!
....this bouquet of flowers from my son and girlfriend,
inspired me to get creative, and capture there beauty.